Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome, and Thank You

If you’re landing here because you’ve downloaded one of our titles from DrivethruRPG we want to sincerely thank you for choosing our adventures. Our goal is to constantly improve and to create rich and interesting adventures that are fun to play. We would welcome and comments or feedback that would help us to this end.

Thanks again and we hope to see you back soon.

On The Horizon

Through the mists of imagination there’s a new continent on the horizon, a place some say is called the Land of Arvum. Tales tell of a place of diverse landscape, countries with rich histories, people of varied races and the home of many fantastic creatures. And for those with a stout heart, a place that promises to be a land of adventure.

In a small corner of this land lies a village, more like an outpost, on an old road near the edge of a vast forest called the Guardian Woods. The people that live there are friendly, but don’t let that fool you, they have to be tough to survive in this place. This is where your adventure begins.

Our fist full-length adventure, Blackstone Tomb, promises to deliver some dark tales, mysteries to discover and challenges to overcome. This is your introduction to the Land of Arvum and a country located there called the Southern Realm.

Release dates to be announced soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Adventure Shorts Launched

We did it! Our first set of short adventures, written for the new fifth edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game are now available for sale. We’re also offering one of the encounters included in the set for free, as an introduction.

Visit our R&D Adventures publisher page on to download the free adventure or purchase the full title.

R&D Adventures on DriveThruRPG

If you're playing edition 3.5 please let us know, we have a version written that we could make available.